New video provider, VideoLoyalty!

We're so excited to announce our newest video partner, VideoLoyalty, powered by EarnHoney!

EarnHoney got in touch with us to ask about partnering up and offering their exclusive video offers on Earnably. We are the first website (other than EarnHoney, obviously) to finish setting this up! You saw it here first, folks.

We are able to offer higher rates for this month only, so you'll earn 1 point per 3 ads instead of what will be the usual 0.8 points per 3 ads, the same as the new rates for EngageMe.TV.

VideoLoyalty is in its fairly early stages, but we're excited to see where it's going to go. We'll be working more closely with their team in the future to get as many video offers available to you as possible.

Submitted July 12, 2017 at 06:24PM by Ryanito
