Beware of PrepaidDigitalSolutions!

First off I want to say this is not Earnhoney's problem, but since it's related to Earnhoney in the rewards they offer, I thought I would share anyway.

I redeemed 2 $10.00 VISA giftcards from Earnhoney for the reduced price, they came in on Monday, no problem there. I went to the PrepaidDigitialSolution website and tried logging in (I had previously redeemed cards from there no problem.) Unfortunately, I forgot which one of my three passwords I used for the site, so after 3 tries it locked me out. Obviously the smart thing would've been to reset the password after the first attempt, but I digress.

So I got locked out, no big deal, I tried resetting my password per the website's instructions. Reset password, logged in, but I was still locked out. Then, I contacted support and they reset the password and I was able to get in.

Great! But my 20 bucks were missing! EVERY other card I had ever redeemed was there, but the two $10.00 cards I stacked and redeemed were gone. I contacted support over this and NEVER received a response.

So I'm out $20.00 at this point, I wonder what to do from here? Try calling prepaid number? Just trying to warn you all what MIGHT happen, I want to be clear though I've had nothing but great experiences from prepaid visas up until this point. Many others have success as well, just wanted to let everyone know :)

Submitted November 16, 2017 at 09:34AM by WozWasBetterThanJobs
