HQ Trivia vs Cash Show vs SwagIQ vs Gravy vs Ripkord vs Majority Rules vs Out Of Tune vs Qriket vs Sports Apps (Live Game Show Apps Comparison 2018)

Hey guys :)

It's been a while since I've made a mega post like this one, and I feel like since tomorrow's This Week in Beermoney episode is going to be talking about the recent trend that is the "gamification" of beermoney, I'd write this post today talking about all/most of the mobile game shows that exist now. The first mobile game show was Qriket, but the largest one you all probably know about by now is HQ. In this post I'm going to be talking about the pros and cons for each app, and whether or not I think it is worth downloading.

If you like this post, you're probably also going to enjoy what /u/themightyox and I will be talking about tonight on our podcast. You can watch it live here at 8:00 PM EST on Saturdays.

Okay, enough self promotion. Let's get started.

16 Live Game Show Apps Comparison

Before I get into this, the one thing I want to add is that while in these types of posts I typically like to go in no particular order, for this post I'm going to be starting off at the top with more unique apps, and as you go down, apps will be more alike with the simple 'trivia' meta.

HQ Trivia (iOS | Android)

HQ Trivia is by far the most popular of the live game shows. The app brings in over 500,000 every day during its shows, and sees almost as many players as 2,000,000 during a large game. Prizes range from $5000 during a non-sponsored game, to as high as $400,000 being the highest game with sponsors.

If you scroll down (or CTRL + F "how to win") you'll find my write up which provides a lot of advice for someone who has never won HQ trivia or any of these trivia apps before. But if you're someone who hasn't heard of HQ trivia before, I'll go into more details in this little blurb :).

HQ Trivia is a live trivia game where the host will typically ask you 12 questions, ranging from easy to hard. The questions range from "even flat earthers could get this right" to "you might as well pull up random.org and pick a number from 1-3." If you answer all the questions correctly you will win or split the prize with everyone else who got them all right.

At first you might think you have what it takes to answer them all correctly, but you'll quickly realize that you won't be able to win HQ easily, and especially if you're just going based on your personal intellect and gut thoughts.

Oh, but let me tell you that it is insanely fun to get your first win.

HQ is a must-have. Not only is the game fun, but the actual show is entertaining. You'll probably never feel your palms sweat more than when you're playing for your share of $400,000 in just 15 minutes.

Cash Show (iOS | Android)

Since you probably already know what HQ is (assuming you read what I wrote above, or you just already knew), there really isn't much to add about Cash Show. Cash Show is another live trivia game show by Zentertain Ltd, which has developed several other apps for iOS and Android that have millions of downloads... So, of course, they're hosting trivia with no sponsors (yet--or rather--still) just for the fuck of it. What's nice about Cash Show is that they have many different shows during different times for different countries, so if you're outside of the US and you're reading this, Cash Show might have a local variant for you :)

There are a few other things about Cash Show that are worth pointing out.

  • Unlike HQ, there is a payout minimum, which is $10. Once you hit $10 you can request payment.
  • Unlike HQ, their payout process is extremely long. HQ will pay you usually within minutes, but Cash Show usually takes 2 weeks to send payments, and once you get paid your order will remain 'in review' for as long as 2-4 extra weeks, and you won't be able to cash out again until it clears.
  • Unlike HQ, you don't actually have to make it to the end (Q12) to win cash. Starting at question #6, you'll earn money for each question you make it to.

Cash Show usually will only have a ~$0.75-$3.00 prize for those who answer all questions correctly, but it is nice that just about everyone can win something on Cash Show, even if you're terrible at trivia.

SwagIQ (Download info below)

SwagIQ is Swagbucks' take on the trivia app trend, and they do things a bit more unique, and that's why I have them up on this list so high.

First of all, if you have not downloaded SwagIQ yet, I encourage you to check your favorite GPT site's AdGate wall (or other offer walls) to see if you have a download offer for this app, why not get yourself an easy $1-5 (I forgot what this offer is usually worth) for trying a new trivia app? If you're not interested in looking for an offer to download this app, here's the link to the site you can download it from.

SwagIQ is very similar to HQ and Cash Show, so I'll just make some more bullet points to talk about the differences again.

  • You get paid your winnings instantly in the form of SB on Swagbucks.com.
  • Even if you get eliminated, you can usually win up to 20-55 bonus SB just for answering questions correctly anyways. Most questions will have a bonus 1-5 SB for answering correctly, so playing SwagIQ can usually win you about 10-30 bonus SB if you don't win the ~$1000-$2500 prize.
  • In both Cash Show and in HQ (and most other trivia apps) you can get extra lives (basically just things that bring you back into the game if you answer incorrectly) by referring friends. In SwagIQ you can get "rejoins" for referring people, and they'll also be your refs on Swagbucks. Oh, and if you don't refer anyone, you can also pay to rejoin with SB during the game.

Overall I think SwagIQ is a pretty good app to have because it does help hit the Swagbucks daily goals, and whenever there's a Swago or team challenge, playing SwagIQ is usually worth a lot.

Gravy (iOS | Android Soon)

Gravy is by far my favorite app on this list. Not even going to hide it.

Gravy is very different from the other trivia apps on this list because Gravy is actually a mobile shopping game where you can actually play two games at once.

Some people call it 'price is right' mixed with QVC. When a game begins there will be a product featured which will start selling on the app at full retail price, and every second the price will go down at a constant rate. Before the price falls you get 60 seconds to guess what percentage the product will sell out at. What makes the game fun is that they also don't tell you how many of that product they have, and the quantity remains hidden until it sells out. If you're able to guess closest you'll win $50 (unless it is a Sunday show, then $100) other closes will split the grand prize as well ($200 usually, or $400 on Sundays).

In addition to the price guessing game, you actually might be interested in the product that they are featuring. Yesterday they had 8 Nintendo Switches which sold out at just under 30% off (I think), so you'll be able to buy a product at a discount as well :). It's always exciting to see what product they'll feature.

If you want a demo of this app, we actually featured Gravy as the App of the week on the TWIB podcast. Here's a link.

I really like how innovative Gravy is, and it really is the most unique app on this list. I really recommend this app. Oh, and once they hit 1000 viewers they'll be doing a massive Sunday night show. Currently average players per show peaks at about 700, but I feel like since this post will probably see ~10,000 views, we can give them a little hug of death, eh?

Ripkord.tv (iOS | Android)

Ripkord.TV is also similar to some of the trivia apps, but it still has a unique touch that makes it interesting.

If you check out their site, you'll actually see that they call themselves "Live, Interactive Mobile TV." And of their games are different. The app is still really new and sees only about 1000 players per game, but I have seem them host 'On the Money' and 'Raise the Bar'. I played On the Money once but it felt too much like all the other trivia apps and I kinda want to play something different so I don't even remember what that game is like, but Raise the Bar is actually a really fun and unique game.

In Raise the Bar you'll go through 5 rounds where each round you'll answer a question based on your personal opinion and after you'll "raise the bar" to the percentage of people you think picked one of the answer choices. If you guess the percentage correctly you'll lose 0 points, and for each percent off you'll lose one point. Everyone starts with 500 points and after 5 rounds the people who have the most points remaining are the winners. It's really a unique concept and I really like it.

Majority Rules

This app is slightly triggering because a couple years back I created /r/MajorityRules for giveaways that are basically the exact same thing as what this app is doing. Same name too.

In this app you'll go through several rounds where they will ask a question, like "something you'll usually drink at a party" and then you'll type in what answer you think the majority of the viewers would respond with. So for this one I'd type in "beer" and if the majority of the players also thought "beer" was the right answer, you'd move on. It's a really fun game and it's fun to try and get into the minds of other people.

Out Of Tune (iOS)

Out Of Tune is probably the most unique game show on this list, and based on the description, this app sounds fucking cool.

This game is kinda just a huge challenge. They'll play songs and you'll just have to guess what the name of the song they just played was. Sounds easy, right? Well, guess what. You're wrong. Not easy. No. The songs are actually played.. out of tune (shocker). The app is invite only and there's no way I found an invite, and I don't have instagram to DM them for an invite, so I have actually never played this game... yet. But it seems really fun, and the reviews are good.


I have said a lot of bad things about Qriket in the past, and I have a lot to say, but for most of it I'll save it for another post. This post is just supposed to show off the different live game shows there are. And, well, there's Qriket.

Qriket is a game where you simple guess a color. Blue or gold. The host will then spin a wheel and if the wheel lands on your color you'll either gain or lose points (usually gain). After 10 rounds the people with the most points win the cash prize. All prizes are paid in CAD, and the minimum cashout is $25 CAD.

Qriket Bullet Points:

  • Prizes Paid in CAD.
  • $25 minimum
  • Every game you'll leave a winner. Just for playing you'll win $0.05-$0.25, regardless if you land on the leaderboard or not.

I don't want to complain about this app too much here, but I do want to point out and ask if anyone else noticed this too.... For months Qriket was getting 3000-4000 players and 3000-4000 viewers on Twitch... Then all of a sudden they bump the prize from $500 to $4500 and over the span of just a few days they find over 40,000 players for a game. Does that not confuse anyone? Oh, and just a week or two back they had a $10000 game and they had over 100,000 players. Meanwhile twitch is not seeing more than 5000 viewers. Hmmmm. Interesting. Oh, and google trends for "Qriket" certainly do not reflect a 3000% player increase. Oh well. I'm going to move on now.

Sports Trivia

I honestly just decided to bundle sports trivia together here because I know a lot of people would be happy to know that there's several trivia options for sports apps. I'm not going to go into details on these apps, but I do just want to bring them to your attention so you know they exist.

More Information + How To Win

These Live Gameshows have recently become a huge thing, and they're probably some of the most popular beermoney apps that exist, regardless if people consider them beermoney or not, but a lot of people don't know the right way to play these apps, so here are some resources and tips to try and help you get further in your games. Most of these tips will only help for the trivia apps though...



TriviaTrckr is probably the best resource for someone who has a lot of trivia apps installed, or if you're someone who is outside of the US or just someone looking to download more apps, this is a great resource. You can set this to show games for specific regions or specific apps only. It will show you the time of the game (locally) as well as prizes and pretty much everything you could want to know about the games. Considering that there are like 100 apps (okay maybe 50-75), this is a great way to see them all and the schedule. This site is an absolute must.

Discord Servers

There's really no direct link to this one, but getting yourself in a discord server can almost certainly get you much closer to a win. There was a huge discord server that recently closed literally because the kid who made the server smoked some weed and his mom made him shut it down, which I think is really funny. /r/triviaapps has some nice options in the sidebar.

The issue with a discord server is that there will be trolls, and if you have a group of friends who have microphones and fast typing speeds, you might want to just hop on a call with them and skip the discord altogether.


Seriously, google is your best friend, and the only resource you can be extremely confident when playing trivia with. With some practice you'll likely get really good with it.


HelpMeTrivia is a site that started a while back and once you sign up you'll start to see answers that "smart people" think are the answers to certain trivia games. They have support for Cash Show and SwagIQ and QuizBiz. The downside is that to use the service you'll need to pay $2 per week, and since the accuracy the site gets is somewhat low (like 70% correctness) is it really worth the bonus SB?

Oh, and yes, HMT is actually in line with the TOS in every one of the apps it runs on. I think it's worth mentioning that all of these tips/resources are in line with the rules of these apps.

Extra Lives

Extra Lives are something that are honestly a must for these apps.

I actually just want to give you some math here. The odds of winning a game of HQ on accident (12 question game) without an extra life is 1 in 531,441, but if you're playing randomly your odds of winning HQ with an extra life is about 1 in 177,147. I say it's about because you can't use an extra life on the last round.

Make sure you refer your friends, because there are a lot of benefits to having extra lives.


Hopefully you got something out of this post, whether you're new to beermoney, or if you've been around for a while but now feel like getting into some of these live game shows. They really are fun, and they actually have fit into part of my day (at least Gravy has).

If you would like specific advice on anything, or personal recommendations about game show apps or anything in beermoney, don't hesitate to send me a PM :) If I don't respond to you within 24 hours, just send me another PM. I get lots of them and sometimes my convos get lost.

Check out some of my other posts!

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Submitted June 23, 2018 at 06:31AM by Fishering https://ift.tt/2yxHJ7P
