Hello Honey Bees,
There are many vendors that monitor traffic (IP addresses) for bot or non-human activity. see article here EarnHoney check for bots, so we know that everyone on the system is human. However, some users might exhibit non-human behavior, which can get them accidentally flagged by these outside companies, behaviors such as too many ads over too short a time period, too many ads at a set frequency, etc.
Since all advertisers want to get 100% human eyeballs, anyone mistakenly flagged will see a severe decrease in earnings or can not use certain offers. Good news is that IPs will heal over time, and by taking a break, things will go back to normal. If an IP is flagged often, then the problem could become permanent.
Some things that can be done to decrease your chances of mistakenly flagged as non-human traffic:
- Take breaks often. Use DM for 30-60 minutes, and turn it off for a bit.
- Do not use too many machines or browsers. Each user has a different setup. We expect each user to only open as many windows as they can watch simultaneously.
- Switching your usage between different ISPs or IPs
Thank you for using EarnHoney.
Submitted March 27, 2018 at 12:04PM by favgames https://ift.tt/2pJUSnz
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