Hello you wonderful /r/beermoney people!
One evening while visiting my father in law, I overheard him saying that he was going to have to throw away a bunch of perfectly working phones because his trucking company was about to upgrade all of their driver’s phones. So I was like, “You can throw them away in my pocket!” Well, he actually came through and now I have them!
My first idea was to make a cryptocurrency mining machine (for only alt coins) from them, similar to what Samsung did here. I’m verThrough extensive googling, I haven’t been able to find if they have made the software/blueprints available yet, so that is out of the question for now.
My second idea is to use them for passive phone farming, such as streaming videos/gifs. Then cash out and buy cryptocurrency. I’ve never done this (phone farming) before, so I started doing some research. There seems to be several important things to consider when doing this.
First is your internet service. I have a 100mb speed from Charter with no data cap. I’m not entirely sure how many phones would be able to connect and stream video with minimal problems, but I’m assuming that 20 is conservative enough, allowing 5mb per phone.
Second is your router and how many devices it can handle. I have a Netgear R6200. According to customer support, it can handle 255 devices, so no problem in that department (if the customer rep was correct).
Third is what apps have greatest ratio of monetary output to babysitting requirements. The monetary output seems to be a bit gray due to the fluctuation of of how many points the app rewards. From my limited testing of RewardableTV, PerkTV, Yoolotto/YooRewards, and AppTrailers, PerkTV seems to be the best (although it does require me to press a button every now and then stating that I’m still watching). Side note: I tried EarnHoney and when I try to view videos, I get an error saying that says: “We could not complete the requested operation. Please try again.”
Fourth is device/account limits for the apps. Again, from my limited research results, this seems to be another gray area. The consensus seems to be that if they don’t specify, that under 5 devices (for the majority of people) will decrease your likelihood of getting banned from the app.
There also seems to be a limit on devices where profit per device stops. For example: If you make $1 per device per day and you have 4 devices running, if you add another device, then you’ll make $0.80 per device per day.
So, now that you know what I know, I have a couple questions.
If you where in my shoes, what would you do to maximize your profits?
Am I correct that 20 devices connected to 100mb speed(assuming that’s what I’m getting at the time) would allow for 5mb per device? Is that fast enough for these passive apps?
Thank you for reading and thanks in advance for any help!
Submitted January 21, 2018 at 12:48PM by Myco_Crazy http://ift.tt/2DoAQDK
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