Can running ip soft ban u from all of beermoney?

For the most part I usually run beermoney apps over desktop sites. I do watch hypermx and encrave videos on sb and instagc but thats only some times. Recently mentioned that 30% increase promo no i have been running it on one device and only one. The first few days I was doing very very well but now im literally making pennies. it has gone form an ad for every new video to 1 ad for every 10 videos. encrave now says "This offer is no longer available" earnhoney says "Your IP is currently not qualified for this offer. Please check again in a few hours" and instagc videos says "ECode 9999" those things only happen when i get soft ban.

I havent been soft ban in over 6 months and the only difference between now and all those months of not being soft ban is i am using a lot for the 30% bonus on videos.

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 02:07AM by RussianBrooklyn
