Using a Raspberry Pi to run beermoney apps?

I've been considering buying a Raspberry Pi for a while now for a few novel reasons. I pretty much only play retro games so it would be cool to be have one to use as an emulation machine, plus some nerd rebuilt the Dreamcast online game servers and you can use something called DreamPi to allow DC's dialup modem to be used with modern broadband connections.

This all sounds pretty cool, but my attention span for video games isn't what it once was; I get bored after a half hour here and there. I also don't have much income because I can't work due to chronic illness (though I've made incredible progress lately and just started some part-time stuff). Due to those two reasons, spending money on a Pi feels like a poor financial decision at the moment.

If I could use it to make some of that money back or even get it to pay for itself however, I'd definitely buy one.

Do any of you have a Pi and use it to make money in some way? What options are available? Can a Pi run Chrome and run web apps like Earnhoney?

Submitted October 27, 2017 at 05:26PM by Honkmaster
