So I started using Earn Honey about 2 months ago, but was not having much luck with it.. I would probably get about $20HD/day.
I read on this subreddit about a strategy someone used where you just open up like 15 tabs and just have one tab active. Immediately, I noticed my earnings skyrocket. Every time I would click a new tab to check on it, an ad would start playing. So I'd wait until the Viewability bars were all green and the ad stopped playing before I'd move on to the next tab. I was getting about $20HD/hour, which is a huge improvement from before.
This lasted for about 3 or 4 hours and then suddenly stopped. I would have it running for 3 or 4 more hours and saw no increase in HD. I read some suggestions on here and cleared my cache, rebooted, and tried again. This time, only using about 8 tabs. I gained about $10HD/hour and then it stopped after about an hour.
I cleared my cache and rebooted again and opened tabs a second time and got 0 ads. I read some more and found out to change my chrome://flags settings. I noticed I got a popup ad in the bottom right corner, which I never had before. It earned me $0.1HD. I also turned off TVScan (wish I knew to do this sooner.) By this time, I went to bed and left 4 tabs running all night (about 9 hours total). I checked my earnings this morning and I've gained $0.4HD overnight :(
My Hot Sites were all green (around 7 or 8) except for EarnHoney-Android, which I don't even use. In fact, I just saw these numbers update and nothing changed. I'm just a little frustrated because I would see posts where people were making about $500HD-$1400HD per day (no clue if it was consistent across days, however.) I do see a lot of local ads when I was seeing ads yesterday morning. I'm in northern Indiana, if that helps.
I'm pretty new at this, so I would appreciate any help you guys could give. Thanks :)
Submitted July 15, 2017 at 08:45AM by passivesnoo
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