So not only am i brand new to earn honey but this is my first ever Reddit post as well. A neighbor of mine was telling me how he has been using the site for over a year and it's because of this site he got his PS4 off amazon pretty much for free so I decided to give it a try.
I think I might be doing something wrong this is the first time I'm using this kind of website.
I have tried running glee , matchedcars , tv minutes and Miimd but none of them seem to be giving me any points.
It has been about four hours since I have signed up and I tried running each channel for an hour but I am getting zero points.
I followed his instructions I allowed pop ups, enabled always run flash in my settings and then I went to chrome://flags and disabled prefer HTML over flash and enabled always run flash when it's available
He did warn me that if my panel numbers are red then I have been ban but my numbers are all between 4-5 except for Miimd which is 1. I'm not sure why it's only 1 I've never been on MIimd before or earnhoney so I don't know why they would ban me from that one.
The rest of the numbers aren't in the red so is there something I'm missing ? How does a brand new member get started with all of this
Submitted May 10, 2017 at 12:33AM by Newguyontheblock11
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