Anyone else getting yellow viewability on MIIMD?

I AM logged in. I have the chrome extension installed, and it shows me my earnings. If I open a new tab and go to, I am logged in. The other BuzzTV sites work just fine. MIIMD works just fine on my other devices. My user panel shows a 9 for earnhoney. My whole userpanel is green, except for Earnhoney Android and TV minutes, which are at 6.

I already tried clearing all cookies related to Earnhoney, and MIIMD. What else is there to try? I am on a chromebook, so I can't try another browser.

Another note, I never get the same ads on MIIMD, as I get on other sites. My most common ad on other sites seems to be these car ads, but Miimd is only showing me a Verizon ad. The other sites all show me car ads.

Submitted February 25, 2017 at 03:49PM by 2001blader
