Final update from me

Anyone interested can look at my previous posts but the short version, Jedi offered to help if I PMed, I did got no response. I earn 15-20 cents a day only in true up credits from entertainment. If I use matched cars, I have made nothing (according to the earnings page) sometimes and other times I make 15 cents.

So I decided I would give the new video site they sent out a shot and see how it does since it's "hot" and vip etc. Well I have watched about 25 minutes, the same 7 CSGO videos 2 times, and now some overwatch game play for the 2nd go around and have gotten 0 ads.

We are a getting closer and closer to Christmas and yet their ad count nor their payout per ad has gone up.

So I go back to what I said earlier on (and again you can back track if you want) I believe someone bought them out (possibly a beer money user) and they are in way over their head. They can't get the ads, or the deals, both and or can't fix the code (since 15 cents a day all in true up seriously can't be right, that would mean every ad is broken which is still broken).

If they get stronger I will be back for sure but till they get things back on track I will put my resources towards things that credit right even if they need a little more attention.

I hope 2020 is better for both of us EH.

EH team best wishes and happy holidays.

Submitted December 13, 2019 at 11:12PM by whogotmylighter
