Looking for EarnHoney advice.

So I'm getting back into beermoney recently. I've been using Swagbucks pretty consistently for a while, but now I checked out Perk and EarnHoney. I'm thinking of going with EarnHoney since the PayPal rewards are better (Perk wants almost double the points for PayPal than it does for the same value in gift cards.)

I'm wondering what the best way to use EarnHoney is. I've got a phone and a laptop I can dedicate to it (I have 2 phones and 2 laptops for Swagbucks, but could use those if EarnHoney is better overall). The past couple days I tried using the app and doing the car videos, but it doesn't run non-stop. Apparently it just went through a set of videos once. I also used the website last night while I slept, and that ran all night.

So, is there a better way to use the app? Or is there a better app/site I should be using instead of EarnHoney?


Submitted August 14, 2018 at 09:08AM by sterling_mallory https://ift.tt/2MruScW
