get 50% discount on any buy on baby allen's medical crowdfunding

Dear ones,

 I Am writing this to you all due to an emergency need baby allen's suffering from severe intestinal infection all he needs is an urgent intestine transplantation surgery and a good medical care he is just a 7 month baby who doesn't know what is pain we are in a urgency of 10 days for his surgery the amount required is too high we have 12 lakhs on hand and need remaining amount to be funded before dec 18 please help us in our race in saving allen the future every share will help to save allen even a penny means a lot please help us 

Allens story

 Allen was a premature baby when he was born also with intestinal infection as Allen's father was a carpenter working for daily wages they contacted us the little princess foundation in their locality by this last 2 months we have struggled a lot to save allen as he is struggling with his disease for the past 7 months finally doctors planned to go for intestine transplantation surgery which will be a high risk factor for allen by his age so that we have decided to crowd fund for allen's surgery so we have no time how quickly you are responding is how quickly allen will be recovered 

how i can help ?

 we the little princess foundation was selling various items for allen's medical bills you can choose among the items we are selling or also you can donate to this campaign to save allen 

please share

 every share means a lot sharing allen's story will help him to reach his goal soon please share as you can

Submitted December 07, 2017 at 09:37PM by princessfoundation
