Bitcoin Fee Question

So I just got started into Bitcoin. I made a wallet, and redeem $5 worth of Bitcoin to that address.

This was when I found out EarnHoney only sent Bitcoin through Coinbase (?) because I received an email saying there was $5 waiting for me and the transaction was from Earnhoney when it wasn't the wallet I entered. Here I got the full $5 and I thought cool.

The second time I redeem Bitcoin was when I learned of the ridiculous fees for transactions when I only received like $.80. It's almost not worth redeeming in Bitcoin because of the VIP Limits as my limit is set to 1000HD$ and fees are around $4.

My questions are, why didn't the first Bitcoin redemption get charged with a fee? And is it against EarnHoney ToS to exploit this transaction fee loophole as it has to do with Bitcoin's fee by changing my email so it keeps creating a new Coinbase account for the full transaction amount?

Submitted November 15, 2017 at 09:59PM by Cambodio
