New Permissions for Earnhoney HD$ Meter?

So I was just alerted by Chrome that the earn honey meter thingy I have, just updated and now it wants permission to:

"Read and change your data on a number of websites"

"Read my browsing history"

"Communicate with cooperating websites"

Sounds like I am being made into a product but not getting paid anymore HD for it; That first one I especially don't like as it can be used to insert extra adds. I just thought I'd let everyone know in case you use a similar Add-on in Firefox or IE or something and that browser doesn't warn you when an extension asks for additional permissions past the initial install. I for one am a little bummed to be losing the convenience, but those aren't permissions I'm comfortable granting. At least not for free =p

Submitted June 16, 2017 at 03:27PM by Tweezle120
